What is Matcha Day?

Every year, February 6th is celebrated as “Matcha Day.”
This date was established in connection with “Furo no Hi” (風炉の日), a day related to the Japanese tea ceremony.
The furo (風炉) is a traditional tea utensil used to heat water, and the date was chosen based on a wordplay: “Fu (2) Ro (6).”

The Charm of Matcha 💚

Matcha is made by grinding whole tea leaves into a fine powder, making it highly nutritious.
It is particularly rich in catechins and theanine, which provide antioxidant properties and relaxation benefits.
In recent years, matcha has gained popularity not only in traditional tea ceremonies
but also in matcha lattes, desserts, and various culinary creations worldwide.
How to Enjoy Matcha Day 🍃

On Matcha Day, why not take a moment to whisk and savor a cup of matcha?
You can also enjoy matcha sweets or visit a café specializing in matcha treats.
Immerse yourself in the calming aroma and taste of matcha while enjoying a peaceful moment of relaxation.
Matcha Day is a great opportunity to rediscover the charm of matcha and connect with Japanese tea culture.
Take this chance to explore the world of tea and enjoy the unique flavors of matcha. 🍵💚