Hello everyone!
Today is another rainy day. The season of Ajisai Hydrangea Flower is coming soon.
Look forward to going to the “Flower Temple” in Uji to see beautiful Ajisai.

I always like eating some wagashi while drinking matcha green tea during rainy days to get myself a kind of refreshment. What’s your favourite refreshment time? Share with us!
One of my favourite wagashi japanese sweets is Kuzu Mochi.

Kuzumochi is a jelly-like mochi cake but is made with arrowroot kuzu starch instead of glutinous rice flour. It is typically sprinkled with roasted soybean flour (kinako) and served with brown sugar syrup (kuromitsu). It can also be flavored with matcha green tea powder and topped with some sweet red bean paste too.

Now you can find our newly released kuzu mochi wagashi on Amazon USA! Our two newest wagashi sweet products both on the ranking of Amazon Hot New Releases!

Let’s enjoy japanese traditional wagashi sweets and matcha green tea in relaxing time!
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