「夏も近づく八十八夜 野にも山にも若葉が茂る あれに見えるは茶摘みじゃないか あかねだすきに菅の笠 日和続きの今日このごろを 心のどかに摘みつつ歌う 摘めよ 摘め摘め 摘まねばならぬ 摘まにゃ日本の茶にならぬ」
↑This is a Japanese song about Hachiji-hachiya and tea picking.
Hachiju-hachiya (八十八夜), one of the Zassetsu (Specific days for seasons other than the 24 divisions of a year) that inform the season. It means the 88th night after the first day of spring on the traditional Japanese calendar. It is an important day to the tea farmers in Japan as it is the best period of the year to pick tea. The tea picked on this period have the best quality and promote a long life.
The teas picked during this period are called Shincha Tea(新茶New Tea). It comes from the best quality of first-harvest leaves and the quantities are limited during the spring.
Japanese love drinking green tea every day as green tea is full of antioxidants that have many health benefits including cancer prevention, lower cholesterol, weight loss, anti-inflammatory skin diseases, etc.
We hope you can always enjoy our organic green tea especially during this pandemic period. Stay tuned for more newest update about our green tea and other products!
For retailing, check out our Amazon store↓
We also provide wholesale service.
For more details, please kindly send us an email by global@kyotoyamasan.jp